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- From: amoon <amoon@ergonomica.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.abduct,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.abduct
- Subject: Re: ET's Give Reasons For Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions/"Necessity Su
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 18:33:00 -0700
- Organization: Ergonomica
- Lines: 548
- Message-ID: <31C9FBCC.21D9@ergonomica.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranet.abduct:5924 alt.alien.visitors:88719 alt.paranet.ufo:53985 alt.alien.research:26333
- I got this off a newsgroup some months ago. IÆm embarassed to say I have
- lost track of who posted it, so I canÆt give credit. I believe itÆs
- highly germane to this thread. I also lost the last two of the summation
- points (at the end) due to a tech malfunction. Everything after this
- paragraph is quoted from the original post.
- ______________________________
- What follows is a report given on the Psychiatry and evaluation of UFO
- abducted victims by RIMA E. LAIBOW, M.D. This report is not considered
- "light" reading.
- As usual, my *disclaimer* will be to read and make up your own mind :-)
- ------ Begin Included Text --------------------------------------------
- Child and Adult Psychiatry
- Cerridwen
- 13 Summit Terrace
- Dobbs' Ferry, NY 10522
- (914)693-3081
- Patients who believe themselves to be UFO abductees are a
- heterogeneous group widely dispersed along demographic and cultural
- lines. Careful examination of these patients and their abduction reports
- presents four areas of significant discrepancy between expected and
- observed data.
- Implications for the treatment of patients presenting UFO
- abduction scenarios are discussed.
- If a patient were to confide to a therapist that he had been
- abducted by aliens who took him aboard a UFO and performed a series of
- medical procedures and examinations on him it is not likely that the
- patient would find either a receptive ear or a respectful and
- non-judgemental response from the therapist. The material presented
- would lie so far outside the confines of our personal and cultural belief
- system that it would seem intolerably anomalous to most of us. We would
- probably dismiss or repudiate it using a
- few comfortable and familiar assumptions which hold so much obvious
- wisdom
- that they do not require specific examination.
- When events which are too anomalous to allow their incorporation
- into our world schema are presented to us, we are likely to dismiss them
- by using assumptions based in out currently operative world view. This
- effectively precludes the open evaluation of the anomaly. Hence, the
- "expressible" response of most clinical and lay individuals upon hearing
- a UFO abduction account would be an immediate dismissal of even the
- possibility that such an episode might occur. Close upon the heels of
- that determination the rapid and complete pathologization of the person
- offering such an account would follow. Dream states, suggestibility,
- poor reality testing, outright dissembling or frank psychosis are
- customarily offered and accepted as evident and reasonable organizing
- models by which the production of this material may be understood. These
- are typical maneuvers by which the presentation of information which
- challenges schematic assumptions is dismissed or screened out before the
- assumptions can be adequately tested for predictive reliability and
- accuracy. Such testing is highly desirable, however, because it offers
- us the opportunity to apply the scientific method to our current level of
- theorital sophistication and thereby refine our understanding of reality
- further still. Of course, this process is severely impeded when the new
- data is excluded from consideration strictly because it is too anomalous
- for assessment.
- Westrum has offered a model by which events become "hidden" and
- therefore remain anomalous to the perception of society in a circular
- process: the hidden event is disbelieved and its disbelief helps to keep
- it hidden. Citing the lengthy period during which battered children and
- their battering parents remained hidden, Westrum states:
- "An event is hidden if its occurrence is so implausible
- that those who observe it hesitate to report it because
- they do not expect to be believed. The implausibility
- may cause the observer to doubt his own perceptions,
- leading to the event's denial or mis identification.
- Should the observer nonetheless make a report, he/she
- can expect to be treated with incredulity or even
- ridicule. Since the existence of a hidden event is
- contrary to what science, society, and perhaps even
- the observer believes, the event remains hidden because
- of strong social forces which interfere with
- reporting. The actual degree of underreporting is
- sometimes difficult to believe, a skepticism which
- itself acts as a deterrent to taking seriously
- those reports which do surface." (1)
- But for the clinician who spends a moment before reaching these
- "obvious" and "intuitive" conclusions, several fascinating and
- potentially productive questions present themselves. If we refrain for a
- short period from dismissing this material out-of-hand, we find that
- there are at least four areas of puzzling and important discrepancy
- between our intuitive sense of order and the data presented by the
- patient. These discrepancies force us
- to re-examine our assumptions in light of a demonstrated failure of the
- theory to account for the observed phenomena. This process, while taxing
- and challenging, is nonetheless, the way we systemize our understanding
- of human health and pathology. Noting the previously un-noted and using
- it to refine our conceptual framework leads to better prediction and
- therefore to better treatment.
- It is not the purpose of this paper to ascribe relative reality
- to the experience of abduction reported by some patients. Rather,
- precisely because it lies outside the realm of clinical expertise to
- assess with certainty whether these events actually occurred or if they
- are mere fantasy, it is mandatory for the clinician to examine the impact
- of these experiences, whatever their source, upon the patient. This must
- be done in a clear sighted
- and open-minded fashion so that the impact of the experiences may be
- dealt with rather than made into hidden events.
- seductive (and perhaps comfortable) for us to assume that psychotic-level
- functioning will necessarily be present in a person claiming to be a UFO
- abductee. If this level of distortion and delusion is present, a patient
- would be expected to demonstrate some other evidence of reality
- distortion. Pathology of this magnitude would not be predicted to be
- present in a well integrated, mature and non-psychotic individual.
- Instead, we would expect clinical and psychometric tools to reveal
- serious problems in numerous areas
- both inter- and interpersonally. It would be highly surprising if
- otherwise
- well-functioning persons were to demonstrate a single area of floridly
- psychotic distortion. Further, if this single idea fix were totally
- circumscribed, non-invasive and discrete, that in itself would be highly
- anomalous. Well-developed, fixed delusional states with numerous
- elaborated and sequential components are not seen in otherwise healthy
- individuals. Prominent evidence of deep dysfunction would be expected to
- pervade many areas of the patient's life. One would predict that if the
- abduction experience were the product of delusional or other psychotic
- states, it would be possible to detect such evidence through the clinical
- and psychometric tools available to us.
- This points to the first important discrepancy: individuals
- claiming alien abduction frequently show no evidence of past or present
- psychosis, delusional thinking, reality-testing deficits, hallucinations
- or other significant psychopathology despite extensive clinical
- evaluation. Instead, there is a conspicuous absence of psychopathology of
- the magnitude necessary to account for the production of floridly
- delusional and presumably
- psychotic material.(2)
- In order to test this startling and anomalous information, a
- group of subjects who believe they have been abducted by aliens (9, 5
- male, 4 female) were asked to participate in a psychometric evaluation.
- An experienced clinical psychologist carried out an investigation using
- projection tests (Rorschach, TAT, Draw a Person and the MMPI) and the
- Wechler Adult Intelligence Scale. The examining clinician was told "the
- subjects were being evaluated to determine similarities and differences
- in personality structure, as well as psychological strengths and
- weaknesses". All of the subjects actively refrained from sharing
- UFO-related experiences with the examiner and she was unaware of this
- theme in their lives. The investigator found that commonalties were not
- strongly present and that:
- "while the subjects are quite heterogeneous in their
- personality styles, there is a modicum of homogeneity
- in several respects: (1) relatively high intelligence
- with concomitant richness of inner life; (2) relative
- weakness in the sense of identity, especially sexual
- identity; (3) concomitant vulnerability in the inter-
- personal realm; (4) a certain orientation towards
- alertness which is manifest alternately in a certain
- perceptual sophistication and awareness or in inter-
- personal hyper-vigilance and caution.... Perhaps the
- most obvious and prominent impression left by the
- nine subjects is the range of personality styles
- the present.... There is little to unite them as a
- group from the standpoint of the overt manifestations
- of their personalities.... They [are] very distinctive
- unusual and interesting subjects. [But] "Along with
- above average intelligence, richness in mental life,
- and indications of narcissistic identity disturbance,
- the nine subjects also share some degree of impair-
- ment in personal relationships. For [some] subjects,
- problems in intimacy are manifest more in great
- sensitivity to injury and loss than in lack of
- intimacy and relatedness. [Ad] "...The last salient
- dimension of impairment in the interpersonal realm
- relates to a certain mildly paranoid and disturbing
- streak in many of the subjects, which renders them
- very wary and cautious about involving themselves
- with others. It is significant that all but one of
- the subjects had modest elevations on the MMPI paranoia
- scale relative to their other scores. Such modest
- elevations mean that we are not dealing with blatant
- paranoid symptomology but rather over-sensitivity,
- defensiveness and fear of criticism and susceptibility
- to feeling pressured. To summarize, while this is a
- heterogeneous group in terms of overt personality style,
- it can be said that most of its members share being
- rather unusual and very interesting. They also share
- brighter than average intelligence and a certain rich-
- ness of inner life that can operate favorably in terms
- of creativity or disadvantageously to the extent that
- it can be overwhelming. Shared underlying emotional
- factors include a degree of identity disturbance, some
- deficits in the interpersonal sphere, and generally
- mild paranoia phenomena (hypersensitivity, wariness,
- etc.)" (3)
- Her findings demonstrate a uniform lack of the significant
- psychopathology which would be necessary to account for these experiences
- if abduction experiences do represent the psychotic or delusional states
- predicted by current theory.
- When the examiner was informed of the true reason for the
- selection of the subjects for this evaluation (i.e., their shared belief
- that they had been exposed to alien abductions), she wrote an addendum to
- the original report re-examining the findings of the testing in the light
- of the new data. In it she states:
- "The first and most critical question is whether our
- subjects' reported experiences could be accounted
- for strictly on the basis of psychopathy, i.e., mental
- disorder. The answer is a firm no. In broad terms,
- if the reported abductions were confabulated fantasy
- productions, based on what we know about psychological
- disorders, they could only have come from pathological
- liars, paranoid schizophrenics, and severely disturbed
- and extraordinarily rare hysteroid characters subject
- to fugue states and/or multiple personality shifts...
- It is important to note that not one of the subjects,
- based on test data, falls into any of these categories.
- Therefore, while testing can do nothing to prove the
- veracity of the UFO abduction reports, one can conclude
- that the test findings are not inconsistent with the
- possibility that reported UFO abductions have, in fact,
- occurred. In other words, there is no apparent
- psychological explanation for their reports." (4)
- The second point of intriguing discrepancy follows from this surprising
- absence of evidence of a common thread of severe and reality-distorting
- psychopathology to
- account for the patient's bizarre assertions. They claim that they have
- been abducted, sometimes repeatedly over nearly the whole course of their
- lives, by aliens who have communicated with them and carried out
- procedures much like medical examinations. Persons reporting these
- experiences are seen to be psycho-dynamically varied. They are also
- demographically varied. Reports of this basic scenario, numbering in the
- hundreds, have now been recorded. Even though the reporters range from
- individuals as diverse as a
- mestizo Brazilian farmer(5),an American corporate lawyer (6), and a
- Mid-Western minister(7), there is a perplexing and intriguing concordance
- of features in these reports. Certain details of the scenarios repeat
- themselves with disturbing regularity no matter what the educational,
- national, social, experiential or other demographic characteristics of
- the reporter. In the production of dreams, reveries, poetry, fantasies
- and psychotic states, while the general themes of concern may be
- identified easily between individuals, the specific symbolization,
- concretion, abstraction and representation of those themes is relatively
- indiosyncratic for each individual. This of course necessitates careful
- empathic and attentive listening on the clinician's part to gather both
- the general flavor and specific meaning of the elements of the fantasy
- state. This careful listening often means that a personal symbolic
- representational system can be unraveled and its contents can be rendered
- less mysterious to the patient. In the abduction scenarios however, both
- specific
- details and themes repeat themselves with surprising regularity: In
- general, the appearance and modus operandi of the aliens, their effect
- and procedures, their tools and interests, their crafts and physical
- features all tally from report to report with a high rate of concordance.
- (8,9,10) This intriguing fact seems impervious to the socio-economic,
- educational, national, or cultural background of the abductee.
- Similarly, whether the individual has had previous contact with the
- literature of abduction seems to make little
- difference in this vein since the reports of individuals who can be shown
- to have had no exposure to abduction literature also contains these
- common features. Skilled practitioners and investigators report in these
- cases that they are convinced that each of these subjects was being
- wholly truthful in his/her report.
- The concordance of both content and event in these reports makes
- them unlike any other fantasy-generated material with which I am
- familiar. Indeed, investigators like Hopkins and others claim they have
- intentionally withheld dissemination of certain important, frequently
- reported aspects of the abduction scenarios in order to provide a "check"
- on the material being presented to them by individuals who may have had
- access to this literature since abductees may have been influenced at
- either the conscious or the
- unconscious level by it. In these cases as well, the features which have
- previously been published as well as those withheld are both produced by
- the abductee (11). In instances in which the patient has read some of
- the abductee literature, this previously withheld material may be offered
- to the investigator with a sense of personal invalidation, apology and
- embarrassment. He often expresses concern that this information is less
- likely to be
- believed than the other material with which he is already familiar. (12)
- Jung and others have written widely about the use of archetypes
- and the collective awareness of themes and images which are asserted to
- present themselves in a world-wide and multi-personal way. The amount of
- individual variation and creative latitude demonstrated within the closed
- system of archetypes and collected creativity is vast. Those who pose
- such universals detect their presence in the complex and highly
- idiosyncratic presentations and guises which they are given by the
- unconscious mind of the
- patient and the artist. This disguise is idiosyncratic, they hold,
- precisely because a set of available images is being used to work and
- rework the personal realities of the individual against the background of
- the collective. But the abductee does not seem to be involved in the
- reworking of personal mythologies against the canvas of the race's
- mythology. The details and contents of the scenarios seem, upon
- extensive investigation, to bear little
- thematic relevance to the issues inherent in the life of the abductee.
- Intensive follow up investigation frequently yields no thematic,
- archetypical, primary process symbolic meaning to the shape or activities
- of the abductors and the scenario of the abduction itself. Instead,
- therapeutic work in these cases centers around the issues inherent in the
- powerlessness and vulnerability of the individual even is this were not a
- prominent theme in his life before the putative abduction. In other
- words, the customary richness of association and creativity found in the
- examination of dreams and other fantasy material is lacking with regard
- to the scenario and presentation of the aliens who abduct and manipulate
- the patient in the abduction story.
- If the abduction material is indeed archetypal or fantasy
- generated in nature, this is a new class of archetypes. These archetypes
- demand rather exact representation and mythic presentation since the
- activities and behavior of the aliens is rather invariant within a narrow
- latitude regardless of the other dream and fantasy themes of the patient.
- Members of both the lay and professional communities frequently assume
- that material referring to UFO abduction scenarios is retrieved under
- hypnosis. Since it is generally believed that people under hypnosis are
- open to the implantation of suggestions through the overt or covert
- influence of the hypnotist it is concluded that this material reproduces
- the hypnotists' expectations or interests. It is further concluded that
- since the hypnotist "put it there" the abduction could not be accounted
- for as material which emerges solely from the patient's end of dyad.
- Thus, the abduction scenarios are commonly dismissed as merely
- representing the production of desired material by compliant subjects.
- The abductees strong sense of personal conviction that this really
- happened to him during the session itself and upon recall of the session
- is similarly dismissed as an artifact of the process by which the
- fantasies were generated.
- Several compelling factors mitigate against the facile dismissal
- of data in this way. Firstly, about 20% of these highly concordant
- abduction scenarios are available spontaneously at the level of conscious
- awareness prior to hypnosis. (13,14) These accounts may be enhanced or
- subjected to further elaboration through the use of hypnosis or other
- recall enhancement techniques, but in a significant number of people
- producing abduction scenarios the recall is initially produced without
- recourse to such techniques. If their stories were substantially
- different from the concordant abduction scenarios produced under
- regressive hypnosis, a different phenomenon would be taking place.
- However, given the perplexing clinical presentation of similar
- stories from dissimilar people who are uninformed about one another's
- experience, this presents another highly interesting area of discrepancy.
- Hopkins has classified patterns of abduction recall into five
- categories:
- Type 1. patients consciously recall parts of the full abduction
- scenario without hypnotic or other techniques designed to aid recall. The
- emergence of this material may be delayed.
- Type 2. patients recall the UFO sighting, surrounding
- circumstances and/or aliens, but do not recall the abduction itself. Only
- a perceived gap in time indicates any anomalous occurrence.
- Type 3. patients recall a UFO and/or hominids but nothing else.
- There is no sense of time lapse or dislocation.
- Type 4. patients recall only a time lapse or dislocation. No
- UFO abduction scenario is recalled without the use of specific retrieval
- techniques.
- Type 5. patients recall noting relating to UFO or abduction
- scenarios. Instead they experience discrepant emotions ranging from
- uneasy suspicions that "something happened to me" to intense,
- ego-dystonic fears of specific locations, conditions or actions. They
- may also exhibit unexplained physical wounds and/or recurring dreams of
- abduction scenario content which are not fixed in their experience as to
- place and time. (15)
- Examination of the transcripts of hypnotic sessions which yield
- abduction material reveals that although subjects are sufficiently
- suggestible to enter the trance state as directed by the therapist, they
- resist having material "injected" into their account. They customarily
- refuse to be "lead" or distracted by the therapist's attempts to change
- either the focus or content of their report. The subject
- characteristically insists upon correcting errors or distortions
- suggested or implied by the hypnotist during the session. Hence it is
- difficult to account for the similarities and concordances of these
- scenarios through the mechanism of suggestibility when these subjects so
- steadfastly refuse to be lead by
- hypnotists.
- In fact, it is even more striking that while these patients feel
- the material which they are producing both in and out of hypnosis as
- experientially "real", nonetheless they frequently seek to discount or
- explain away this bizarre and frightening material. This remains true
- even though sharing it regularly results in a significant remission of
- anxiety-
- related symptoms and discomfort. These abduction scenarios are so
- ego-alien that they have frequently not shared the material with anyone
- at all or with only a highly select group of trusted intimates. In the
- vast preponderance of cases patients are reluctant to allow themselves to
- be publicly identified as having had these experiences since the perceive
- that the abduction scenario is so highly anomalous that they expect to
- experience ridicule and repudiation if they become associated with it
- publicly. It therefore functions like a guilty secret in the way that
- rape has (and, unfortunately still does in some cases).
- After the material is produced and explored, these subjects often
- experience a marked degree of relief. This is true with reference both
- to previously identified symptomatic behaviors and other anxiety
- manifestations not noted on initial assessment. These other symptoms may
- remit after enhanced recall of the scenario and its details takes place.
- It is interesting to note that while the scenarios may contain a good
- deal of highly
- traumatic material specifically related to reproductive functioning,
- these episodes are nearly uniformly free of subjective erotic charge when
- either the manifest or latent contents are examined.
- PTSD was first described in the content of battle fatigue (16).
- Although it may present in a wide variety of clinical guises (17) PTSD is
- currently understood as a disorder which occurs in the context of
- intolerable externally induced trauma which floods the victim with
- anxiety and/or depression when his overwhelmed and paralyzed ego defenses
- prove inadequate to the task of organizing unbearably stressful events.
- In the service of the patient's urgent attempt to still the tides of
- disorganizing anxiety, fear or guilt<18> which accompany the emergence of
- cognitive, sensory or emotional recall of these traumatic events, the
- trauma itself may be either partly or completely unavailable to conscious
- recall. <19>...Both physical and psychological responses to the trauma
- are profound and pervasive. PTSD follows overwhelming real-life trauma
- and is not known to present as a
- sequel to internally generated fantasy states.<20>
- This fourth area of discrepancy between predicted and observed
- data is perhaps the most striking and challenging. Patients who produce
- alien abduction material in the absence of psycopathology severe enough
- to account for it often show the clinical picture of PTSD. This is
- remarkable when one considers that it is possible that no traumatic event
- occured except that rooted only in fantasy. These trauma are, in large
- measure, split off, denied and repressed as they are in other occurrences
- of PTSD.
- As discussed above, these scenarios frequently appear in
- individuals who are otherwise free of any indication of significant
- emotional and psychological instability or pre-existing severe
- psycopathology. On careful clinical assessment, these memories do not
- appear to fill the intrapsychic niches usually occupied by psychotic or
- psycho-neurotic formulations. The abduction scenarios do not encapsulate
- or ward off unacceptable impulses, they do not define <or defend against>
- split off affects, they are not used either
- to stabilize or to divert current or archaic patterns of behavior nor do
- they provide secondary gain or manipulative control for the individual.
- Instead, this material, experienced by the patient as unwelcome
- and totally ego-dystonic, seems quite consistently to be woven into the
- fabric of the patient's internal life only in terms of his reactive
- response to the stress inherent in these experiences and the contents of
- the repressed material related to the stressful memories. But the extent
- of this secondary response can be extensive. It should be noted that
- PTSD has not previously
- been thought to occur following trauma which has been generated solely by
- internally states. If abduction scenarios are in fact fantasies, then
- our understanding of PTSD need to be suitably broadened to account for
- this heretofore unexpected correlation.
- In addition, there are significant clinical implications to the
- finding of abduction scenario material in a patient who shows PTSD but is
- otherwise free of significant psychopathology. Since abduction scenario
- material presents several crucial areas of anomaly and discrepancy
- between what is known and that which is observed. It is very important
- for the therapist to refrain from the comfortable (for the therapist, at
- least)
- description of psychotic functioning to the patient who produces this
- material until such disturbance is, in fact, demonstrated and
- corroborated by the presence of other signs beside the UFO-related
- material. It is imperative for the therapist to adopt a non-judgemental
- stance. He can attend to the distress of the patient without attempting
- to confirm or deny possibilities which are outside the specific area of
- his expertise. The clinician should adopt as his therapeutic priority
- the alleviation of the PTSD symptomology through the use of appropriate
- and acceptable methods specific to the
- treatment of PTSD. In addition, the therapist must remember that while
- he may have strong convictions pro or con the abduction actually having
- occurred, it is not within either his capability or expertise to make
- such a judgement with total certainty. Furthermore, as the clinical
- psychologist who evaluated the nine abductees pointed out in her
- addendum, the sophistication of the psychotherapies has not advanced to
- the point at which this determination can be made on the basis of
- currently available information (21), although the treatment of post
- traumatic symptomology is currently understood. Hence, it
- is important for the therapist to retain the same non-judgemental and
- helpful stance necessary to the successful treatment of any other
- traumatic insult. When a therapist labels material as either unacceptable
- or insane, the burden of the patient is increased. If the therapist is
- reacting out of prejudices which reflect his own closely-held beliefs
- rather than his complete certainty, he unfairly increases the distress of
- the patient.
- Although it has long been the "common wisdom" of both the professional
- and lay communities that anyone claiming to be the victim of abduction by
- UFO occupants must be seriously disturbed, thoroughly deluded or a liar,
- careful examination of both the
- reports and their reports calls this assumption into question. Clinical
- and psychometric investigation of abductees reveals four areas of
- discrepancy between the expected data and the observable phenomena and
- suggests further investigation. These discrepant areas are:
- 1. ABSENCE OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY An unexpected absence of severe
- psychopathology coupled with the high level of functioning found in many
- abductees is a perplexing and surprising finding. Psychometric evaluation
- of nine abductees revealed a notable heterogeneity of psychological and
- psychometric characteristics. The major area of homogeneity was in the
- absence of significant psychopathology. Rather than consulting a subset
- of the severely disturbed and psychotic population, there is clinical
- evidence that at least some abductees are high functioning, healthy
- individuals. This interesting discrepancy requires further
- investigation.
- 2. CONCORDANCE OF REPORTS Highly dissimilar people produce
- strikingly similar accounts of abductions by UFO occupants. The basic
- scenarios are highly concordant in detail and events. This is surprising
- in in our fantasy material.
- --
- Chris Alexander
- Founder, Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)
- <http://www.ergonomica.com/amoon/ETADO.html>